Friday, September 11, 2009

More on thing 3

So I didn't actually have to wait long. The site manager called me around 3pm. I was eating alone at a restaurant. I know I was rather loud on the phone. I saved some of my best lines for the next meeting I get her at.

According to her, the city community director (the previous one) banned the management and resident employees (leasing, management, maintenance) from the meetings. They felt that with the Apartment company reps there that people wouldn't talk about freely about things.

I said it would be nice to see the people so we know who they are. She said she has events that we can go to, and has never seen me there. I've been to 2. because only 2 interested me. The jump in the lake, and the fireworks. They did have a single mixer earlier this year, but I was at work when it was going on. The other events they've had, Disc Golf Opening day, yard sale, bike safety, and etc, I've been either at work (bike safety) or didn't care about the event (DGO and YS).

I've already told her several of us want them there. At the LEAST once a quarter. She said I'll have to talk to the community director (city employee). I told her I'll take him on, and it's a fight I'll win.

Then she started going off on how the fire martial doesn't want to hear about peoples problems with the maintenance staff... I said Phil the FM might not, but I'm sure Phil the resident will be more than happy to listen to other resident's problems. How we find out we're not having the problems alone.

I have a feeling I've got a fight on my hands to make this program what I and a few others want it. But Fight I will.

time to be the change. :)

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