Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I can't get the pictures to load, so you'll have to click on the links.

If you follow my twitter stream, you saw these as I was putting it together. For those that have followed me for a while, you know I have no problem saying I have too much debt and some day I'd like to buy this, that or something else.

One of the things on the list, was a suspension trainer. Be it rings, AOS Bandit Loops, or (what I really wanted) a TRX system.

A couple of weeks ago thefightgeek from the pound online tweeted about a cheap $10.00 version (video on "the pound online"). Which caught my eye. I was impressed and through, i could do that, and it'll be good enough. I replied to his tweet saying as much.

Which lead him to tweeting this page to me. I was really blown away. I liked the option in the second video. Where the guy got the longer one, and then cut it down and used the left over for the foot holds instead of rope.

I was on a mission. But there was one thing I didn't like. The knots. I didn't think the ones in the foot loops would feel good, so I decided to sew them. The bowline is a nice knot, but I prefer the figure 8 knot I use on my harness for rock climbing.

However... being me. I decided if I was going to sew part of it, I'd do all of it.

I got 2 packs of lashing straps, 1 inch by 13 feet from Mejier, a locking carabiner out of my climbing gear (not used), some pvc, and some tape (picture here) They work out ok. The do need to be re-enforced though. I found that out after trying them, the factory stitching was pulling away.

So I decided, based on the factory part, to make 3 inch tabs. This is the taped 1 1/4 inch pvc and the tab. This is the handles pinned together, waiting for the needle.

Then I realized I needed more information first. 1 strap, marked up with everything. Handle points, tab, where it joins the strap.

I didn't take any pictures while I was sewing... I was on the phone, and couldn't take any pictures.

The next night, I moved from the lap desk in the bedroom to the desk in the spare room.


Oh no... the strap was binding after I made the first one... Cut off the tape, still binding, get the dremel, and fix it.

One done, and ready. The white specks are beeswax from the thread.

My parrot, Captain Errol Blood (but we just call him Captain) checking on my work. No he was not impressed.

I was asked after I finished, and was showing them off, how I could know to trust my skill. The short answer is I don't, but each set of stitches (minus the re-enforce) look like this (from handle 2).

Now, time to pin the foot loops in place.

The foot loop, got the same treatment as the handle, as you can see from the first completed one here. A close up of the handy work.

I have yet to get a picture of them hanging, or of me using them yet. I'll post a video when ready. So far I've only played around. Inverted rows, elevated push ups, push ups to knees in (foot straps), and very little else.

I've noticed I don't really need the top strap with my pull up bar, since the carabiner goes over the bar quite well.

Things I've learned:
I hate sewing... No kidding, I don't sew enough, show it takes a while to get back in the swing of it.

Make sure the straps aren't twisted before you start. I have one that is, but it's not noticeable.

The next 3, will be done on a sewing machine. I just have to find one to use first.

Yes I said 3. I'll be giving 1 away, one to the lady I'm seeing. Although she wants her's to be pink with hearts and stars on it, 1 to Sarah Rippel and 1 to a guy at martial arts. I had offered to make one for Jen B, but she already has something. :)

Originally when I said I was starting this, Sarah took note, and wanted to see how it worked out. She said she was tempted to try and make her own based on my work. I offered to make one for her. I just want to put mine through a few more paces first.

1 comment:

Kira said...

Ha! This is great :)
