Wednesday, April 28, 2010

a little shocked.

I was speechless earlier. That's been happening a lot lately. But it was bad enough today that a couple of co-workers asked if I was ok.
There's a site I try to hit 10 to 20 times a day, Ethical Hacker Network Forum. There are usually a lot of great conversations going on there. I've came across some really decent stuff to read from there:
  • Hacking for Dummies
  • Daemon
  • Freedomtm

They've had some great challenges for skill building, on the main page, and some really great give aways.

The most recent one, was a chance for 1 of 5 certification classes. The class includes the cert test at the end. I got an email today saying I was one of the 5 winners. My mind was going 1000 miles per minute with thoughts, my mouth could only get a couple of letters out at the time.

This is great, but an oh crap at the same time. Like my friend Jen B, I've been feeling a little over whelmed lately. My feeling comes from between the things I HAVE to do, NEED to do, and WANT to do.

Getting 2 of the possible certs I could take are on the Want to do list, but so are a lot of other things. There are items on the Have and Need to do list that would be nice to get out of the way, because getting past those items would go a long way towards helping me make sure I can get the most out of the course.

All I know is, it's going to be an interesting couple of months. (Which will just keep adding to the interesting year I have had so far).

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I read Daemon and Freedomtm
by Daniel Suarez. really good story divided between 2 books. Really enjoyed it. Sci-fi / Cyberpunk / thriller.

There was a lot of things in Freedomtm
, that mirror our world today. Little frightening when you stop and think about some of it.

I highly recommend both books.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

martail arts tonight was awesome

Got to work grappling with someone. Someone very skilled. Feel good, enjoyed it. Defended my school's honor. However if it would have been an all out fight, he probably would have wiped the floor with me.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wrote a book review

So I said I was reading Hacking for Dummies, 3rd edition. I finished it a while ago. Part of the reason I was reading it was to write a book review for an online magazine.

The book review is up: Ethical Hacker Network Book Review