Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wow, not liking the new look of blogger, but that's something for later. Really need to get my site set up. Time is an issue. I'll have to go back over my time management skills and then get them rolling again. Anyway this post is a public shaming. Updated numbers for body fat checking Weight 260.8 waist 46 inches (at navel) hips 47 inches forearm 13 inches wrist 8 inches works out to be 26.4% body fat or something like that. Started reading The 4 Hour Body (4HB). The personal GPS numbers: Mid-Bicept 14 inches L 14 inches R Waist 46 hips 47 Mid-Thigh 25 inches L 25 inches R Total inches (add all those numbers together) 171. I'm going to modify the slow-carb (almost no carb) diet some. Plus couch to 5k (C25k) with 20lbs weight vest, and a Kettlebell program I have going through my head. good mornings, halos, 2 hand swings, shoulder presses, push-ups, rows, squats. 5 sets. We'll see what happens between now and July 31st.