Monday, January 5, 2009

I feel like I'm making an excuse

So one of the things I'm thinking about doing, is the 100 push up challenge again. I made it to a repeat of week 3 before I lost interest last year. Did it in June and July. When I took the initial test then, I could do 33 straight. After the first 3 weeks I saw no improvement.

Today I had the person I share my office with count for me (again). I did 35 straight. Which is only 2 more than I did in June. I started to slow down around 15, because my shoulders started to burn. Then at 30 I went from a slower pace to just grinding them out. I was seeing spots and things were going black. I think I stopped breathing at 26.

That still puts me in Level 4 on the test sheet. Not that it means much. The workout says if you can do more than 20 start on week 3 in column 2 or 3 depending on what you did.

All I know is my nose is stuffed up, I didn't sleep well last night, I'm tired / sore /exhausted and have been dragging all day. Wonder how many more I could have made if I was closer to the top of my game, instead of feeling like I was at 75%. I think I did 40 straight back in October, but I had 15 other people doing them with me, and I wanted not be shown up. I think I was the 4th to last to fail.

And even though I was grinding, I think I could have pushed out 5 more if I really really tried. I just didn't want to drain the tank. I'm hoping that I have a yoga class tonight.

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